This manual is designed to walk you through the entire process of setting up, training, and deploying your MagicAI Custom Chatbots. Additionally, we’ll guide you on activating the floating chatbot feature for an enhanced user experience.
Let’s begin by creating and training your new chatbot, followed by assigning it to your preferred chat template. It’s a straightforward process that will significantly enhance your site’s interactivity.
Step 1: Creating your Chatbot
1. Access your MagicAI dashboard and navigate to the admin section.
2. Scroll down to find ‘Chat Settings’ in the menu and click on it to expand the options.
3. Select ‘Chatbot Training’ and then click on ‘Add New Chatbot’.
4. Enter the details for your chatbot, including its title, role, and first message options.
5. Click on the magic wand icon to initiate the training process for your chatbot. You’ll have the options to train with a link or PDF. (Image 1 and 2).
6. Training might take a few moments. Once complete, your chatbot is now trained and ready.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully created and trained your chatbot.

Step 2: Assigning your trained chatbot to a chat template
1. Within the admin dashboard, navigate to ‘Chat Settings’ and then ‘Chat Templates’ to view or configure your chat templates.
2. You can create a new chat template or modify an existing one by selecting ‘Chat Template’ followed by ‘Personality’.
3. Assign your newly trained chatbot to the template by choosing it from the ‘Chatbot Training’ dropdown menu. (Image 3).

Step 3: Activating Floating chatbot (Optional)
1. To enable the floating chatbot feature, go back to ‘Chat Settings’ and select ‘Chatbot Training’ followed by ‘Chatbot Settings’. (Image 4).
2. There, activate the ‘Chatbot Balloon’ to enable the floating chatbot on your site.